Blog launched offering different opinions on issues affecting National Parks

As part of our 80th anniversary we’ve launched a blog and survey, inviting people to share their views on National Parks

We love National Parks. And we know you do too. But we also know that people have different opinions about what the best (and maybe the worst) bits about National Parks are.

So as part of our 80th anniversary we’re asking as many people as possible to let us know what they like about National Parks at the moment, but also what they would like to see improved. You’ve only got until the end of April to complete the survey so if you haven’t done so yet, there’s no time like the present!


As well as this we’ve also launched a blog and invited people to share their views with us on a whole range of subjects, such as energy production, planning regulations, rural exclusion and more to come!

“No future for us here until we are wealthy or retired”

Exmoor Young Voices was set up to help consult the National Park Authority on issues facing rural young people in Exmoor. They discuss the barriers and issues young people face living in isolated rural areas.

A Midlife Crisis in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

Gayle Lister is a Discovery Ranger for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. Last year she took part in the Ironman Wales and in her blog discusses the value of the experience for her and for the National Park. 

Sources of energy in our National Parks

Steve Ankers, policy officer for the South Downs Society discusses energy in National Parks – something we are asking people to share their views on in our survey.