Join us to oppose zip wire proposals

  • Contributor information: CNP

Campaign for National Parks is objecting to proposals for multiple zip wires across Thirlmere in the Lake District National Park which are a serious threat to the beauty and sense of relative remoteness of this area. Thirlmere is considered the birthplace of the conservation movement and we urge you to join us in opposing this damaging development.

Caroline Quentin

Caroline Quentin, President of Campaign for National Parks, said: “I’m concerned about the proposed zip wires in Thirlmere, my fear is that they will spoil the peace and tranquillity of this beautiful, important place. I’m all for development that enhances our National Parks but my instinct is that we should say no to zip wires in Thirlmere.”

Caroline joins other prominent voices and groups in opposing the activity hub plans, including Friends of the Lake District, BMC and the Open Spaces Society.

You can make your voice heard by writing with your concerns to the Lake District National Park Authority. The Friends of the Lake District website has lots of useful information including a useful guide to make your letter as impactful as possible. The deadline for objections has been extended to the 12 January 2018.

Click here to read our objection to the planning application.

Thirlmere is a beautiful corner of the Lake District, help us protect it by making your voice heard!

Hevlevellyn and Thirlmere Lake District. Photo credit: Andrew Locking