New Perspectives: Future Leaders Course

Published: 14 November 2024

Campaign for National Parks New Perspectives: Future Leaders Course started a few weekends ago with a residential weekend in Dartmoor National Park, which was such a wonderful way to kick off the course. It meant that the members of the course got to meet and chat in person rather than online, creating a more meaningful connection. The weekend included a range of sessions on leadership, which included workshops on having a values-based approach to leadership to drive decision making, understanding our privileges and the importance of inclusivity, and looking at the futures of national parks and how we wish to see them.

On Sunday, we focused on campaigning, getting into small groups to design our own mini-campaign that we then presented to a panel of national park decision makers. My group focused on green and blue social prescribing for mental health in Dartmoor National Park; increasing the connection between the health professionals and organisations/groups that offer volunteering. A connection to nature starts with having access to the outdoors, which we wanted to focus on in our campaign, along with offering opportunities in the outdoors through volunteering. Volunteering can provide a way to get out into nature and enjoy a sense of calmness, whilst allowing people to feel proud in the work they have achieved, whether that be dry stone walling, litter picking or river surveys. It is a way to get people experiencing the outdoors, while benefiting the environment and landscape.

I applied for the Future Leaders course as I saw it as a huge opportunity to grow in my career, gain confidence in myself and my skillset, and learn the importance of being a good leader. When I applied, I felt so lucky to have been given a place. National parks have such an important role in our landscape, holding special protection that keeps them safe and allows for nature to thrive. The Campaign for National Parks: Future Leader’s Course is a way to ensure that there are young leaders willing to continue to fight for these special areas of natural beauty.

Everything we learnt was so valuable and informative, it was such an enjoyable experience, getting a great support network with not just members of the course but the facilitators, guest speakers and organisers of the event too. I made some really valuable network connections that I believe will be helpful in my career now and in the future. I’m excited to see what we learn next in the online workshops that follow. I hope to use this experience in everyday life as I keep learning and growing as a person, and to inspire others around me to be the best leaders they can be.