Legal Fighting Fund

Our legal fighting fund supports our battle for wilder National Parks and helps defend the change in law we fought to secure.

We’re fighting for wilder National Parks by defending the change in law we fought to secure. The change in law requires every single public body to seek to further the purposes of National Parks in every decision, function or action they take that could affect land in Protected Landscapes. 

This new law is groundbreaking, mandating public bodies such as Forestry England and water companies operating in National Parks in England to enhance wildlife, natural beauty and cultural heritage – but it’s being ignored. One year in we’re already seeing many examples of where the changes are not being delivered – it’s time to take a stand. 

We’ve already played a crucial role in securing a vital victory for National Parks and National Landscapes after Secretary of State Angela Raynor admitted an error in law in planning test case. We may need to take further legal action in the future which is why we are creating a legal fighting fund to support our work.

Donate to our legal fighting fund