National Parks: New Perspectives

Tell us your story

Our National Parks New Perspectives project first launched in 2021, with the aim to give young people from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to influence and connect with decision makers to change the narratives on who National Parks are for and who has a say in their future. We’ve worked with some incredible young people to share their stories and explore themes close to their heart.

Young people are an under-represented group in National Parks. Just 6% visitors are aged 16-24 and young people are much less likely to live in, work or be involved in National Park decision making. 

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the National Parks and Countryside Act on the horizon, and with a future dominated by the nature and climate emergencies, now is the time to engage a new generation of campaigners.

Applications have closed for the first round of entries, follow us on socials to see when the second round opens.


It’s incredibly important for a diverse range of voices to be heard in the National Parks because how else can you enact change for future generations and those who should have the right to access our National Parks, without having a diverse range of voices represented.

Ruth, 2022/23 New Perspectives young film maker

More information

For full details, please see the applicant information pack
There are no formal requirements to apply, however we do ask that you submit at least one and up to three pieces of your previous work alongside your application. Ideally, you’ll have some experience of storytelling and be looking to grow your skills as an early career communicator. You don’t need to live in or near a National Park to apply. Perhaps your story is about your experiences visiting National Parks as a city resident or about the barriers to working in National Parks you face as a young person or if you’re considering a career in National Parks. If you’re passionate about National Parks and have a story to tell, this is for you. We recognise that many voices are currently not listened to in the National Parks conversation and particularly welcome applicants from working class and/or minoritised ethnic backgrounds and those who identify as disabled, neurodivergent or as having other lived experience of marginalisation to apply.
These funding opportunities are open to projects spanning different genres of factual storytelling and all perspectives on the experience of visiting or living in National Parks. We do ask that your project broadly covers reference to what National Parks are and why they are important and includes a call to action – something to inspire a change with your storytelling. Your project also needs to relate to one or more of the following themes: nature, climate emergency, equal access and we welcome applications for projects telling stories that we might have not thought of ourselves. For more details, please see the applicant information pack. 
Develop your skills: These grants aim to support early-career communicators to develop their stories of National Parks whilst boosting their storytelling skills. Alongside the bursary, Campaign for National Parks and our partner Ocean City Media will provide training on storytelling, campaigning, filmmaking and digital communications to promote your project. Get seen: We are committed to sharing your final project on our platforms and by working with our partners and can also support you to find relationships with other organisations based in individual Parks to amplify your work. To this end, we have launched new website and are very excited to have an amazing space to share your work. Grow your network: Recipients will also be invited to be part of our New Perspectives leadership training programme and community. More details on this below. 
Pre-application: Interested participants will have the opportunity to join an application “drop-in” virtual sessions to find out more about the opportunity and meet the team. Applications: Shortlisted applicants invited to an informal online chat to discuss the project. Month 1: Project approved, project kick-off meeting. Months 2-8: Project support programme including regular one-to-one support and training opportunities. Months 9-12: Projects launched.
You: Must be aged 16-30 to be eligible. We can only consider applications from individuals. Must be based (live) in England or Wales. Must hold a UK bank account in the name you are applying in. Your project: Must be specific to one or more of the National Parks in England and Wales (or specifically related to all of them as a group). Explore topic(s) that fit under one or more of the bursary themes. Must feature youth voice as central to the project either in front of or behind the work. If your project does not centre youth voice, we will ask you to provide additional detail about why the story matters to you and how it aligns with our project aims as part of the shortlisting process. Must be original and specifically created as part of this bursary.