Ask your MP to speak up for National Parks this week

There is an important opportunity for MPs to tell the Government about the value of National Parks and to highlight why their funding should be protected in the upcoming spending review. The fact that many millions of people participate in outdoor recreation in National Parks every year makes a significant contribution to the nation’s economy and our health and well-being but these benefits are currently at risk due to cuts in the funding for National Parks.

This Wednesday (28 October), David Rutley, MP for Macclesfield and a strong supporter of National Parks, has secured a parliamentary debate on the economic value of outdoor recreation. We want to encourage as many MPs as possible to be there and speak up for National Parks.

MPs are more likely to participate in debates if they know the issue is important to their constituents. Please contact your local MP today and ask them to speak up about the value of National Parks on Wednesday.

We’ve included a suggested message for you to send below but your message will have more impact if it is in your own words so please do adapt both the subject line and the message itself. For example, it would be good to highlight why National Parks are particularly important to you and the kind of outdoor recreation activities you’ve enjoyed in your local National Park.  Please include your name and address on the email so your MP knows it’s come from someone local.
You can use the following link to find the email address and other details for your MP:

Thank you for your support for National Parks.

Suggested message
Please speak up for National Parks next week
I am writing as your constituent and a supporter of National Parks to ask you to participate in next week’s debate on the economic value of outdoor recreation. This would be a great opportunity to highlight the contribution that National Parks make to the economy and to our health and well-being.
National Parks in England attract 90 million visitors a year, who spend more than £4 billion and support 68,000 full time equivalent tourism related jobs. These beautiful areas provide an escape from the stresses of everyday life and opportunities for a wide range of recreational activities from challenging mountain walks and thrilling bike rides to family picnics and star gazing or simply enjoying the peace, tranquillity and natural beauty.
Unfortunately these benefits are currently at risk as National Park Authorities have experienced a 40% cut in their funding since the 2010 election. The debate next week is an important opportunity to highlight the value of National Parks ahead of next month’s spending review and to ask the Government to commit to no further cuts in the funding for National Parks.
The debate takes place in Westminster Hall at 2.30pm on Wednesday 28 October. Please attend and speak up for National Parks.