Campaign for National Parks raises significant concerns about proposals for the Welsh National Parks

  • Contributor information: CNP

Campaign for National Parks has responded to Welsh Government proposals which could have significant implications for National Parks.

In a response to the Welsh Government’s proposals on sustainable management of natural resources, Campaign for National Parks has raised worrying issues for the future of Wales’ three National Parks. The response recognises that National Parks have a key role to play in the sustainable management of natural resources, but argues that their existing protections must be maintained and strengthened if they are to do this effectively..

Key points in our response include:

  • A call for the Sandford Principle to be maintained. This principle ensures that priority is given to the conservation of National Parks where there are irreconcilable conflicts between the purposes.
  • That there is insufficient evidence to justify amending the purposes of designated landscapes.
  • That there is much that could be achieved by building on existing structures and mechanisms such as National Park Management Plans.
  • A recommendation that there should be a stronger requirement on all relevant organisations to contribute to National Park purposes when undertaking activities which affect these areas.

Brecon Beacons National Park

Welsh Government proposals raise concerns for the likes of the Brecon Beacons National Parks. Photo credit: Brecon Beacons National Park Authority

Our response also highlights the concerns that have been raised about the potential loss of international recognition for Wales’ National Parks.  Campaign for National Parks believes that National Parks should be maintained as distinctive and beautiful areas of countryside. The proposals from the Welsh Government threaten to undermine their role by not recognising the core principles that go into the conservation of the three Welsh National Parks.

Read our full response here.