Consultation to be reopened for A27

  • Contributor information: CNP

15 October

A partial victory for environmental campaigners in the fight against the disastrous Arundel bypass plans.

Last week saw Highways England announce plans to reopen the consultation on the proposals for the A27 bypass, citing “important new information” including a redesign and traffic modelling data.

This is a partial victory for campaigners against the bypass which threatens parts of the South Downs National Park. Campaign for National Parks welcomes the decision to look again at the plans, however there is little in the announcement that addresses the irreversible damage to the National Park and an area of ancient woodland that would happen should the bypass go ahead.

Campaign for National Parks’ Ruth Bradshaw said: “Instead of Highways England tweaking their destructive proposals, we support Campaign for Better Transport’s call to put all options back on the table. This must include the option of excluding major development and promoting public transport. Current plans threaten acres of ancient woodland and would undermine the special protections that keep all the National Parks we love safe from development.”

In September we called for you to join our fight against the bypass plans by writing to Westminster. Thank you to everyone who took action to help protect the Parks. By becoming a friend of Campaign for National Parks you could help us fight against this and other threats that loom over the National Parks you know and love.

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