Give a special Christmas gift

  • Contributor information: CNP

It’s been an extremely busy year for our small but vital charity. As I visit my local National Parks, Exmoor and Dartmoor, and take in those beautiful coastal views and wild moors, I know I can be proud to be part of continuing the fight to protect and improve our Parks.

Right now Campaign for National Parks must raise £30,000 as a matter of urgency to make sure we can continue our work. We cannot compromise our ability to take action as the only independent voice, guardian and champion of National Parks. For Campaign for National Parks to be effective, we need YOU!

Caroline Quentin, president of Campaign for National Parks

We need to be able to take on future challenges, including influencing the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan, to ensure it includes ambitious plans for the National Parks, natural beauty and landscape.

We continue to fight proposals which could damage the National Parks such as the mining in the North York Moors, zipwires at Thirlmere in the Lake District, and major road building in the South Downs and Peak District National Parks.

In Wales we continue to raise concerns about the potential implications of changing the Welsh National Parks’ purposes to make them more focused on economic development and the associated removal of the Sandford Principle.

With your support we want to make certain National Parks are protected and improved now and in the future. That’s why I’m asking you to help secure the future of our cause, by donating this Christmas.

My sincerest thanks

Caroline Quentin, President

Donate today and give a valuable Christmas gift that will help safeguard our beloved National Parks.

Merry Christmas to all  from Caroline and Campaign for National Parks. Beddgerlert in the Snow, Snowdonia National Park. Photo Credit: John Starkey