Help stop the Arundel Bypass

  • Contributor information: CNP

6 September 2018

Stop the destructive Arundel Bypass!

Help us protect National Parks and ancient woodland from new roads.

In May, Highways England, the Government’s road building company, announced its preferred route for the A27 Arundel Bypass.  All three options included in the public consultation were highly damaging but the one it chose was perhaps the worst. (No option avoided harming the National Park or ancient woodland or gave people a choice to reduce car use).

Help us save Arundel in the South Downs!

Under threat! Arundel in the South Downs. Photo credit: Campaign for Better Transport

What is most disappointing is that although Government policy and guidance is clear on the need to protect our National Parks and ancient woodland, here a Government company is pursuing options that destroy both, while refusing to even look at other less damaging solutions. If Highways England succeeds in building its preferred option it could set a damaging precedent for our National Parks and ancient woodland elsewhere.

Please support our action by writing a letter to the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, and Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, asking them to stop this destructive proposal and to come up with less harmful solutions.

Campaign for Better Transport has supplied an easy to edit template letter below for you to use. Please add your own thoughts as this will give your letter greater weight.

Copy and paste the letter then send your email to: & 

copy us in using!

Dear Secretary of State,

Objection to A27 Arundel Bypass Proposals

I strongly object to the way that Highways England has gone about selecting its preferred option for the A27 Arundel Bypass.  I am concerned that its proposals:

  • Will damage the South Downs National Park and destroy 6 hectares of ancient woodland
  • Are in conflict with the Government’s 25 year Environment Plan
  • Will increase carbon emissions and congestion elsewhere along the south coast

[Please add your own comments]

Please act to stop this damaging proposal and bring forward less damaging and potentially cheaper solutions instead.

[Please add your own comment] [this is just indicative]

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]

Thanks! With your support we can stand up for the precious landscapes under threat in the South Downs!