Mosaic Wales Evaluation

The final evaluation of the Mosaic Cymru project found that the project had worked well and successfully created a group of Community Champions who have the skills, knowledge and confidence to introduce ethnic minority communities to National Parks. The evaluation found that the 68 Community Champions had introduced more than 2,200 people to Wales’ National Parks over the three years or the project and promoted to it to a further 3,000 through talks, presentations and sheer enthusiasm. This has happened despite increasing financial pressure on BME community groups in Wales over the the three years the project ran.

Community Champions, National Park Authorities and the YHA also worked together to develop ways to continue increasing accessibility for black and minority ethnic groups. For example, Snowdonia National Park Authority has set up a new Equalities Advisory group, all three National Parks have started including Champions in consultations and YHA managers have taken part in discussions about catering for BME groups with Champions and project staff. During the project period, the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority has increased the diversity of images on its public communications to reflect the ethnic make-up of communities in the surrounding areas.

Mosaic drew to a close on 31 March 2015, but the Champions will continue volunteering with the National Parks and promoting them to others in their communities. Brecon Beacons Champions set up a new group called Community Footprints, in order to support each other to do this. Pembrokeshire Coast champions will continue the work of Diversity Outdoors as well as other individual activities, while Snowdonia Champion, Homan Yousofi, working with other other Champions has secured funding from the Snowdonia National Park Authority CAE to organise a series of mindfulness walks for people with mental health issues in the National Park in the spring and summer.

The evaluation also found that Champions had seen important personal development in terms of increased confidence, better wellbeing and social cohesion, and for those relatively new to the UK, a enhanced sense of identity.

Sarah Wilson, Mosaic Wales project manager, said she was delighted with the success of the project. “Not only have more people got to know some of Wales’ most inspirational landscapes, but there is now increased understanding among the Welsh Government and National Park Authorities of the social value that these landscapes have in terms of health, well-being and social cohesion.

“Personal relationships forged through Mosaic between Community Champions, YHA managers and National Park Authority staff have also greatly assisted mutual understanding and more inclusive services,” she added.

Carys Dafydd, Snowdonia National Parks Authority’s Community Officer, said: “It has been an honour and a pleasure to work on the Mosaic project. By walking and talking in Snowdonia’s majestic landscape, we’ve come to realise that we have so much in common as people. Although the project has now come to an end, as an Authority we will continue to keep in contact with the Community Champions.”

Download a summary of the project evaluation.