National Park Authorities to be consulted – update on the Bus Services Bill 

  • Contributor information: CNP

Over the last few months, we’ve been working with parliamentarians to make sure the Bus Services Bill better meets the needs of National Parks

We’re really pleased that the Government has now introduced a number of amendments to the Bill that mean Local Transport Authorities will be required to consult National Park Authorities (NPAs) when they introduce changes to the way buses are planned in their area or set up new joint ticketing schemes.
The moorsbus in Danby (c) Bill Breakell

This will provide National Park Authorities with more opportunity to ensure that the needs of both residents and visitors of National Parks are taken into account and will contribute to making sure National Parks are accessible to all, not just those with a private car. This is particularly important in light of the Government’s aspirations, as set out in the 8-point plan for National Parks, to see more people benefiting from the health and well being benefits offered by these inspiring places.

The Bill has nearly completed its passage through the Lords but it will then need to be considered by the Commons so it is likely to be next year before the Bill becomes law.

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