Objection submitted to potash mine proposal

We have recently submitted an objection to the planning application for a potash mine in the North York Moors. We do not believe that the application passes the major development test which only allows developments of this scale in a National Park in exceptional circumstances and when they can be demonstrated to be in the national interest.

We also have a number of other significant concerns about the proposal including the impacts on the landscape, biodiversity and recreational activities in this part of the National Park and do not believe that the applicant has properly understood the statutory purposes of National Parks.

This is our initial response to North York Moors National Park Authority(NPA) and we will be submitting a final response in the next few weeks which will also take account of further information that the applicant has been asked to provide following requests from a number of the statutory consultees, such as the Environment Agency and Natural England. The NPA is now expected to make a decision on the application in early July.

Read our response.