National Parks’ 75th birthday present
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
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2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
We've launched a legal complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection, as new evidence reveals water regulator Ofwat has not complied with the law.
The consultation on the new National Park has closed. We’ve submitted our response, what’s next for the new Park?
Opening up Emsworthy Mire from the Devon Wildlife Trust has been recognised for its extraordinary contribution to the National Park
A partial victory for environmental campaigners in the fight against the disastrous Arundel bypass plans.
An open letter from 19 organisations coordinated by Campaign for National Parks calls for support for National Parks
A Bill setting out what financial support for farmers and land managers will be provided after Brexit goes before the UK’s parliament today
Help us defend the beautiful South Downs National Park from destructive plans for a bypass!
Five projects have been chosen by the judges to be shortlisted for the 2018 Park Protector Award
BEIS Committee has failed to exclude National Parks as sites for nuclear waste facilities
Celebrate the beauty of National Parks with our summer photography competition
The Welsh Government has proposed two new systems to provide payments to farmers