National Parks’ 75th birthday present
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
Get the latest news from Campaign for National Parks and across the National Parks of England and Wales
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
We've launched a legal complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection, as new evidence reveals water regulator Ofwat has not complied with the law.
The consultation on the new National Park has closed. We’ve submitted our response, what’s next for the new Park?
Defend National Parks
Join our fight to prevent the fast-tracking of fracking.
We are launching our #summerofbeauty campaign and we are calling on you to join us in celebrating & improving the awe-inspiring beauty of National Parks
Campaign for National Parks implores members of advisory panel to grasp opportunity
Campaign for National Parks welcomes the Westminster Government’s announcement of a 21st century ‘Hobhouse’ review into England’s designated landscapes
Read updates from the National Parks this spring
We urgently need your help to maintain the strongest protections for National Parks.
Campaign for National Parks responds to the statement on designated landscapes made by the Minister for the Environment in the Welsh Assembly.
In a new report Campaign for National Parks makes the case for improving sustainable travel options to and around National Parks.
The Westminster Government starts consultation on plans to replace the Common Agricultural Policy.