Dartmoor wild camping appeal decision deferred
Campaigners gathered outside the Royal Court of Justice today (July 18) to await the decision of Dartmoor National Park Authority's wild camping appeal.
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Campaigners gathered outside the Royal Court of Justice today (July 18) to await the decision of Dartmoor National Park Authority's wild camping appeal.
Portrait of the South Downs National Park is a film and photographic series created by Saira Niazi. Saira's project explores hidden gems and unearths the stories that surround them.
The House of Lords debated the future of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with clear cross-party support to bring powers up to date.
We launched our next story from Erika Cann, Walk and Observe Dartmoor, a booklet of walks exploring Dartmoor National Park, all accessible by public transport.
We've welcomed an additional £4.4 million Government bailout for National Park in England which were facing an "existential crisis"
In his film Peat 2023, Timothy explores the impressive carbon capturing capabilities of peat, and the challenges of peatland restoration in the Peak District.
Access to National Parks and Landscapes needs to be available to all. Charlotte Ditchburn explore the how vital access is and how we can make that happen.
Our third story comes from Ruth Garrett; Cultivating Carbon and Cows explores the relationships between cows, carbon capture and farming in the Yorkshire Dales.
‘Moments in Nature’, a short film by Kwesia X – a.k.a. City Girl in Nature – is released as the first in our National Parks: New Perspectives series.
National Grid has announced that they are now proposing to underground all 23.4km of pylons in the Lake District