Blog launched offering different opinions on issues affecting National Parks
As part of our 80th anniversary we've launched a blog and survey, inviting people to share their views on National Parks
Get the latest news from Campaign for National Parks and across the National Parks of England and Wales
As part of our 80th anniversary we've launched a blog and survey, inviting people to share their views on National Parks
We welcome the new 8 point plan for National Parks in England issued by the Government
Announcement shows that the total cost of the Potash mine has increased significantly and there is a still a lot of work to do to raise the necessary finance.
We're launching a survey asking what people value about National Parks, and what ideas they have for their future
Mosaic Young Champions share their experiences of how influential the project has been on their lives at the final annual event of our three year project
Huge congratulations to Mosaic Young Champion Karl Epps from the New Forest who has won Young Volunteer of the Year
Email us to let us know what affects you travelling to, from and around National Parks by bus!
We call for a public inquiry to examine plans to develop the world's largest potash mine
The decision on Europe’s largest potash mine will be deferred
We have recently submitted an objection to the planning application for a potash mine in the North York Moors.