National Parks’ 75th birthday present
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
Get the latest news from Campaign for National Parks and across the National Parks of England and Wales
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
We've launched a legal complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection, as new evidence reveals water regulator Ofwat has not complied with the law.
The consultation on the new National Park has closed. We’ve submitted our response, what’s next for the new Park?
We welcome National Grid's announcement that three National Parks are to benefit from its Visual Impact Provision plan
We are announcing today the shortlisted projects for our annual Park Protector Award
Our Mosaic champions in Northumberland, Exmoor and the New Forest are taking part in a range of activities to promote National Parks Week
Our Exmoor Mosaic Champions learnt key skills during two-day 14 mile pony trek around the National Park at the weekend
We are very disappointed at the Government's decision not to call in the York Potash project.
Cuts of up to 40% in real terms to National Park Authority Government funding in England have led to more than 225 job losses over the past five years.
Mosaic Champions are learning about the full wood cycle thanks to a unique initiative in the Lake District National Park
We’re really disappointed that NPA members have approved the construction of the world’s largest potash mine in the North York Moors.
Twenty nine environment + amenity groups call for world's largest potash mine application to be rejected
We interview the winner of the National Parks UK Young Volunteer Award and Northumberland National Park Mosaic Champion Jerome Bass