National Parks’ 75th birthday present
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
Get the latest news from Campaign for National Parks and across the National Parks of England and Wales
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
We've launched a legal complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection, as new evidence reveals water regulator Ofwat has not complied with the law.
The consultation on the new National Park has closed. We’ve submitted our response, what’s next for the new Park?
Our research shows how cuts are impacting on visitor centres, jobs, biodiversity and conservation, apprenticeships and business and engagement and education
We call for moratorium on budget cuts and high-level roundtable to secure long-term future of treasured landscapes
Plymouth University are carrying out research on behalf of the Mosaic Youth Project into how young people, through photography, experience and see the National Park
Three Cheers for New Forest National Park celebrations but Government action urgently needed on Lakes-Dales extension and a halt to budgetary cuts
National Parks face huge challenges as cuts threaten our iconic landscapes
Coalition of charities launches vision to protect and promote Britain's landscapes
Adam Philip-Phillips, Mosaic Champion answers the question how can we get younger people involved with the national parks?
The latest from our young champion volunteers and how they're making an impact
Mosaic Champion James Taylor spends a week microadventuring around the Lake District
Young champions from the Campaign for National Parks' Mosaic project are taking part in an epic cycle ride this weekend to raise funds for a Newcastle youth project.