National Parks’ 75th birthday present
2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
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2024 ended with the Government announcing plans to introduce new legislation which will update the key objectives for National Parks and Landscapes.
We've launched a legal complaint to the Office of Environmental Protection, as new evidence reveals water regulator Ofwat has not complied with the law.
The consultation on the new National Park has closed. We’ve submitted our response, what’s next for the new Park?
The 2023 National Park Societies Annual Conference was opened to a wider audience with the hope of bringing more diversity, passion and knowledge to the discussions.
New Perspectives - Katie's New Children of the New Forest
Rose O'Neill joins the Environment Agency’s expert ecologists as they conduct a fish survey of the river Meon in the South Downs
Speaking to a full room in Westminster yesterday morning, Environment Minister Trudy Harrison asked the public to hold this Government to account to deliver their promises for nature. Just hours later, a major promise for National Parks was in tatters.
The Upper Derwent Valley is safe for now but it should never have been under threat
New Perspectives - Amira's Wanderlust Women Tour
It’s time to make some bold decisions to deliver better transport for National Parks
Saira’s Portrait of the South Downs National Park
As Westminster considers new laws that would require water companies and regulators to take action for National Parks, our Chief Executive Rose O’Neill explores deeply concerning proposals that show why change is desperately needed.