Launch of our 2016 Park Protector Award
Once again, to celebrate and support the fantastic work being done in National Parks, we are launching our Park Protector Awards.
Get the latest news from Campaign for National Parks and across the National Parks of England and Wales
Once again, to celebrate and support the fantastic work being done in National Parks, we are launching our Park Protector Awards.
After three fantastic years, we have come to an end of our Mosaic Youth project, inspiring young people to use and enjoy National Parks
We respond to the launch of the National Parks Partnership
We are very disappointed that the Government have voted to allow fracking below the surface of National Parks.
We have objected to proposals to make it easier to convert agricultural buildings into homes which would harm the special qualities of National Parks
We’ve recently argued that National Parks should be exempt from Government proposals which could significantly reduce the number of new affordable homes provided in rural areas.
As part of our 80th anniversary we've launched a blog and survey, inviting people to share their views on National Parks
We're launching a survey asking what people value about National Parks, and what ideas they have for their future
Email us to let us know what affects you travelling to, from and around National Parks by bus!
We respond to the Government's consultation on 'Surface Development Restrictions for Hydraulic Fracturing'.