Review of designated landscapes announced

  • Contributor information: CNP

Campaign for National Parks welcomes the Westminster Government’s announcement of Julian Glover as the chair of a 21st century ‘Hobhouse’ review into England’s designated landscapes over the bank holiday weekend. The charity urges the panel to consider how to make the Parks even more beautiful, better protected and enjoyed by all.

The review, which was announced in the 25 Year Environment Plan in January, will look at the responsibilities, financing and potential expansion of National Parks and AONBs.

Chair of Campaign for National Parks, Janette Ward, said: “England’s world famous National Parks are beautiful and precious national assets. We welcome this review as an opportunity to consider how they can be further supported and enhanced to make sure the National Park family is strong and healthy for current and future generations. Campaign for National Parks looks forward to working with the panel to secure better protections for the Parks, but also make sure they are accessible to all and thriving with wildlife.”

“The Parks face many different challenges from when the original Hobhouse review was undertaken in 1947. Climate change, the uncertain impacts of Brexit on farming and land management and inappropriate development threaten the Parks. Many of the rural communities that are part of the fabric and cultural heritage of the areas also face challenges in terms of access to rural services and affordable housing”.

In March, Campaign for National Parks’ report, National Parks for all: making car free travel easier, called for wholesale improvements to sustainable access to National Parks. This summer the charity will be highlighting the need for improvements to the diversity and abundance of wildlife living within in the National Parks.

“Mr Glover has a tough but important job in leading the review. 2019 will be the 70th anniversary of the National Parks and we hope the recommendations of the review will ensure the Parks continue to be enjoyed and cherished for the next 70 years. They are essential to the true health of the nation” concluded Janette.