Save our National Parks: Share your story Big Give appeal raises almost £9,000

  • Contributor information: CNP

Thank you to everyone who got involved in the Save our National Parks: Share your story Big Give appeal 2022 – we raised almost £9,000 to help us campaign to protect and improve National Parks.

The £5,000 we raised through last year’s Big Give appeal enabled us to launch our National Parks: New Perspectives bursary scheme. Ten young storytellers are now out in the field gathering their stories and we look forward to sharing the results with you in the coming months.

Some of the bursary holders shared their story as part of this year’s appeal and we loved hearing from a range of people about why National Parks matter to them. We’ll continue asking people this question over the coming months as we work together to inspire Government to take more action for Naitonal Parks.

This vital funding boost will help fuel our important campaigning work, enabling us to continue lobbying Government at what is a critical time for National Parks. It will enable us to expand our Park Protector Awards, grow our Photography Competition and engage wider audiences with the need to protect National Parks.

As a small charity, we rely on your ongoing support to continue having an impact – so thanks again. Together we can ensure National Parks are supported to deliver more for people, nature and climate.