Some extra funding for National Parks in Wales

  • Contributor information: CNP

20 November 2019

The Welsh Government has announced a funding boost for Wales’ National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). The extra funding is to be spent on improving work including decarbonisation and tourism infrastructure.

A starry night in Snowdonia National Park. Photo credit: Gareth Mon

Campaign for National Parks welcomes the extra spending as much needed. Corinne Pluchino, Chief Executive of Campaign for National Parks said: “The Welsh Government should absolutely be investing in the landscapes that make Wales itself such a special place. My hope is that Snowdonia, Brecon Beacons and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks see real benefit from this commitment.”

However, the charity warns that the National Parks have faced years of cuts and that Government must look more seriously at supporting Wales’ three National Parks.

“We know that the National Park Authorities must be properly supported to make a difference. They are already delivering huge benefits, but if we want them to achieve more for wildlife, safeguard the most important sites, and deliver more for the people who live within, and visit them, then the Parks must be properly funded.” continued Corinne.

In the statement announcing the news, the Welsh Government reflect that combating the climate crisis and declining biodiversity are likely to remain pressing priorities for the Government.

Additional Capital funding 2019-20 by Designated Landscape includes:

Snowdonia National Park Authority: £1,858,540
Brecon Beacons National Park Authority: £611,000
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority: £850,006
Wye Valley AONB (Monmouthshire County Council): £60,000
Llŷn Peninsula AONB (Gwynedd Council): £59,000
Ynys Môn AONB (Anglesey County Council): £347,000
Gower AONB (Swansea City Council): £74,172
Clwydian Range & Dee Valley AONB (Denbighshire CC: £88,000

Total:  £3,947,718