Support the DalesBus!

  • Contributor information: CNP

Sustainable access to and around National Parks is at the heart of life in our National Parks. Sustainable transport initiatives such as the DalesBus in the Yorkshire Dales National Park keep these fantastic living and breathing landscapes accessible for all to enjoy.

That is why we are calling on MPs to show their support for the Dalesbus by signing an Early Day Motion (EDM) calling for greater support for this vital service.

The EDM, tabled by John Grogan MP, calls on the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and Yorkshire Water to join West Yorkshire Combined Authority in supporting the Dalesbus.

Nationally 25% of households do not have access to a car. The DalesBus services play an important role in allowing people to visit and enjoy the spectacular Yorkshire Dales National Park, but receive no funding from the National Park Authority. So it is really important MP’s show their support!

Yorkshire Dales National Park. Photo credit: Sally Parekh

Find out more about our work to keep the Park accessible for everyone.