Young Champions’ Exmoor Weekend

On the evening of Friday November 15th, 13 Young Champions assembled at Minehead YHA for a weekend of learning about and trying out activities on Exmoor.  After a hearty plate of chilli, Dave Gurnett, from the Exmoor National Park led a night-walk deep into the wilderness (up Grabbist Hill).

The following morning after breakfast the group went to Piles Mill on the edge of Porlock to watch a demonstration by wood carver Mike Leach, and have a look around the Mill.

The group then got dug into an afternoon of Birch clearance with a big fire and some fungi identification.  Despite all the activity, the group spent a lively couple of hours in the evening evaluating the project and planning what they’ll be doing next in Exmoor.

On Sunday morning the group paddled up the Congo (Wimbleball Lake) in open canoes, pausing to explore the dam and for a cup of tea and a snack. The weather could be described as atmospheric or just plain cloudy!

It was a great weekend. Huge thanks to the Young Champs for making it such a success, Latisha, our volunteer mentor, for giving up her weekend to help out and Andy and his team from the YHA for the good food and making us so welcome.