Take Action

Take action this summer with Campaign for National Parks. Our vision is for nature-rich National Parks for everyone but with threats ranging from sewage pollution and unsustainable development to restricted access and depleted funding it’s clear our National Parks need a lifeline.

That’s where you come in. This summer we want everyone to take action in whatever way they can, whether they have 5 minutes or 5 days we can all make a difference to our truly amazing National Parks.

So let’s secure a future where nature and people are thriving in our National Parks, where wildlife is wild and natural beauty is protected for generations to come. Where everyone, no matter their age or background, can access, feel inspired by and fight to protect the future of these truly amazing landscapes.

Campaign for National Parks is the only independent charity dedicated to securing the future of National Parks in England and Wales. Our first campaigns resulted in the creation of our National Parks. Now, inspired by our past, we fight for the future.

How much time do you have?

Sign our Save our National Parks Petition

Join a movement of people from all ages and backgrounds standing up for our National Parks.

Write to your MP

Your local MP has a duty to their constituents and should represent the issues you care about most deeply, but they won’t know unless you tell them. You can find who your local MP is by searching your postcode on Find My MP. Write them an email explaining what National Parks mean to you and calling on the MP and their party to take strong action in Parliament to bring about positive change. Remember to include your name and address in your email, and you can even include us when you send it out: nickh@cnp.org.uk.

Citizen Science


Many of the National Parks offer volunteering so you can get hands on this summer.