Restore Nature Now March in London 2024

Take action for National Parks at this election

The 2024 general election is right around the corner and it is vital we use this opportunity to speak up for National Parks.  

For too long our National Parks have suffered budget cuts, pollution, restricted access and so much more; now is the time for change. National Parks produce the air we breathe, a home for our most iconic species, provide peace and escape for millions and are invaluable to our health and wellbeing. That’s why we’re calling on the Westminster parties to seize the initiative at the General Election and commit to an ambitious programme of action to transform our National Parks for the benefit of people, nature and the planet. 

And you can help us take action. 

Here are five ways that you can stand-up for National Parks at this election:

Grey heron

1. Sign our petition

National Parks are under threat like never before – wildlife depletion, water pollution, damaging climate change and a growing divide when it comes to who can live, work and visit these places. Our politicians hold the key to rescuing these landscapes, but they have failed to take proper action. 

Together we can change this. 

Sign the Save Our National Parks petition below and send our election leaders a powerful message that National Parks matter. 

Sign the petition

Tell UK political leaders

We want to see National Parks that are:

1. Wilder and nature-rich across land and sea

2. Protected from pollution, destruction and harm

3. Resilient to climate change

4. Inspiring wonder, discovery and wellbeing in everyone

5. Home to thriving communities

6. Benefitting from sustainable tourism, farming and transport

7. Celebrated for their natural beauty and proud heritage

We demand that political leaders turn this vision into a reality by committing to an ambitious programme that transforms our National Parks for the benefit of people, nature and the planet.

2. Join us at the Restore Nature Now March

We’re joining a huge coalition of charities on the Restore Nature Now March in London on Saturday 22 June to demand action from UK politicians to show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership. 

We’re inviting you to join us on the march which begins at Park Lane and will end at Parliament Square. We’ll assemble from midday onwards then begin to march from 1pm, with a rally with speakers and entertainment in Parliament Square from 2:15pm.

If you’d like to join us please Whatsapp Harriet Gardiner at 07729 082222 to join our Whatsapp group where we will update you with locations. We want to make some noise for National Parks so bring your noise-makers, signs, banners and anything else to stand out! 

Pledge to march 

3. Ask your local candidates – what will you do to save National Parks?

You can be a powerful voice for National Parks at this election, championing the causes that matter to you and putting pressure on candidates standing in your local area. You can do this in a range of ways – talking to them on the doorstep, on social media, speaking up at hustings events or emailing them directly.

To help with all this we’ve published our 7 asks that we’ve been putting forward to candidates. You can ask your candidates what they are going to do to see these changes made for National Parks.

1. Rapid nature recovery of National Parks

2. End water pollution

3. Enforce the law, ban moorland burning and combat wildlife crime

4. Open up National Parks to everyone, extending freedom to roam

5. A new deal for National Parks, doubling investment in the parks, farming and jobs

6. A planning system which safeguards natural beauty and supports thriving communities

7. Create new Nationals Park for nature on land and sea


Roydon Woods

4. Get involved in election hustings

You can highlight the importance of National Parks at local election hustings. These are online and in-person debates where candidates have to answer questions put to them by voters – you can go along and asks a question about National Parks. Hustings are being organised by a range of organisations across the country, such as the Wildlife Trust and the Climate Coalition, and there are also hustings specific to National Parks, like this one being held by Friends of the Lake District on 24th June. Make sure you follow us on socials for updates on other hustings – or get in touch to suggest organising one with us.

Contact Us

5. Writing to candidates

We’ve drafted the following template letter for you to contact your local candidates – feel free to amend. You can find out which candidates are running in your area and get their contact details here.

Dear <Name of candidate>,

Like voters around the country, I care passionately about National Parks and want to see my local candidates standing up for these iconic and awe-inspiring landscapes at this election.

Like The Beatles and the NHS, the UK’s National Parks are world-renowned and represent the very best of our nation. They are a source of wellbeing, adventure and connection with nature for millions of people. But they are facing a host of desperate challenges:

  • Wildlife and habitats on the brink of destruction
  • Rivers and lakes clogged with pollution
  • Fragile ecosystems ravaged by climate change
  • A growing divide when it comes to who can live, work and visit these places

As we celebrate their 75th anniversary this year, I want to see my local candidates like you committing to take urgent action so National Parks and other protected landscapes can deliver more for people, society and the planet. I am backing Campaign for National Park’s 7-point manifesto and I would urge you and your political party to do the same:

  1. Secure rapid nature recovery of National Parks
  2. End water pollution
  3. Enforce the law, ban moorland burning and combat wildlife crime
  4. Open up National Parks to all, extending freedom to roam
  5. A new deal for National Parks, doubling investment in the parks, farming and jobs
  6. A planning system which safeguards natural beauty and supports thriving communities
  7. Create new Nationals Parks for nature on land and sea

Please let me know what actions you and your party will take to deliver the asks above and give a brighter future to our National Parks. I encourage you to share your support for these landscapes with voters during this campaign and to do all you can for National Parks if elected to the next Parliament.

I look forward to hearing from you and, if possible, please copy in your reply.

Yours sincerely,

<Sender name>