Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary

Save National Parks for nature

Our National Parks are amazing – and so important to the health of our natural world

As our most treasured landscapes, National Parks should be alive and buzzing with nature and wildlife.

Rare birds and animals, like pine martin and curlew, should be thriving among breath-taking scenery, from ancient woodland and river valleys to coastal marshes and precious heathland.

But right now these incredible places and wildlife are suffering.

  • Fragile habitats destroyed by irresponsible roadbuilding and development
  • Lakes and rivers polluted by sewage discharge from water companies
  • Grasslands ravaged by fires from disposable BBQs and litter
  • Illegal shooting decimating bird populations
  • Ground-level nature choked out by aggressive forestry plantations

But you can help stop this.

Threats to national parks

Protected landscapes are actually doing a worse job of protecting nature than the rest of the country

This is happening because the legislation to protect these places is massively outdated and not fit for purpose.

For too long the UK government has seen National Parks as unimportant and unvaluable, this must change.

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Now we need you to join us

In a climate and nature emergency, we cannot afford to standstill or to go backwards. The stakes are too high.

If you care about protecting nature and tackling climate change in our National Parks then make your voice heard.

Help create a better future for nature in National Parks and together we can save #NationalParks4Nature.